Sakharov. New century
21th May — 24th June, 2021
The Yeltsin Center Art Gallery in partnership with the Sakharov Center with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation presented an exhibition dedicated to academician Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov. The exhibition is curated by Anna Narinskaya, a Russian journalist, literary critic, producer, and curator.
The exhibition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Andrei Sakharov and reveals key milestones in the history of his life. The exhibition is built in chronological order and allows the viewer to rediscover historical and biographical moments of the famous human rights activist`a fate.
The exhibition consists of a series of installations that combine the destiny and ideas of Sakharov. Exhibition visitors havebecome accomplices of his life events — both real and intellectual. The exhibition tells about the intersection of Sakharov’s ideas with the main challenges of our time and about the turning points of his fate.
Sakharov’s ideas are acquiring new relevance today. The main one is the idea of the inseparability of the destinies of humanity and the resulting confidence in the indivisibility and unity of the rights of all people. It is difficult to imagine a more relevant idea today, when “real politics” is constantly in conflict with the basic observance of human rights.
Perhaps not all Sakharov’s postulates are indisputable. It is not necessary to fully accept the point of view of Andrei Sakharov, but it is impossible not to keep it in mind. His legacy is not frozen in the past, it was not only a symbol of the era — it is alive and relevant for us today. The answers and, most importantly, Sakharov’s questions — should be an important part of the discussion about our today.